Once the collection process is done NVC forwards them to the consulate. NVC collects all the forms and necessary documents that are required for further processing. Why It Takes This Long After Submitting DS 260? Under Section 221(g), some applications get to refuse. The interview date is most likely to be set within 30 days of the date on which the letter is written. The letter consisting of the date of the interview is sent from NVC. NVC takes one to two weeks to review the DS 260 form of the applicant and to begin with the procedure after the fee payment. NVC send the notice through email on the same day of application. These Documents are required to submit after the notice of NVC for confirming receipt.

If there is any prior marriage, then a copy of the marriage termination certificate.Once the application is completed, it will ask for some supporting documents. You can also visit the website of the U.S. Afterward, find the option of ” Submit Visa Application And Civil Documents”. For applying to this form, one needs to visit the website of CEAC (Consular Electronic Application Center) viz Immigrant. Hence, the agenda of DS 260 is to provide information and details to NVC. NVC collects all the information of the applicant and handover to the U.S. How Long To Wait After Submitting DS 260? PROCESS